Chap. 117. Of Caraway.
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ΐ.'τΓ* HE Names> It is called in Arabick, Karvia^ JL Karavia, and Carvi: In Greek, κ*?©-: In Latin, Carum-, also Carui, as the Apothecaries call it : Simon Sethi calls it Carnabadion : It took its name from the Countrey of Carta, from whence it came: Some call hCareum, fome Carvum, as in the Shops : and in English, Caraway.
II. The Kinds. We shall here enumerate but two Kinds, I. Car urn Vulgare, our Ordinary or Common Caraway. 2. Carum pratenfe, Meadow Caraway. , ..
III. The Descriptions. The first has aRootwh-tift, Jmall, and long, somewhat like unto a Ρarfnep, but with a mere wrinkled Bark, and much less having a little hot, and quick taste, stronger than a Parsnep,
Parsnep, and abiding after Seed time. Gerard says, the Root is like that of Parsley, white, an i m taste like unto aCarrot, and( says he ) may re joddcn, and eaten as the Parsnep or Carrot is. Prom this Root spring up divers Stalks oj fine cut Leaves, lying on the Ground, somewhat like to the Paves of Carrots, but not bufhtng out Jo thick, of a little quick taste in them. Prom among which rises up a square Stalk, not so high as the Girrot, at whose Joints are Jet the like Leaves, but smaller, and finer cut χ and at the tops there are small open Tufts, · r I mb/es of white plowers, which turn into jmall bL\k/Jh brown Seed, smaller than the Anmjced, and of a -quicker and hotter Taste,
IV. The second bos a Root small and slender, of a Smell not much unlike to Daucus, but of a hot and sharp Taste, yet not so hot and sharp as the Seed-, from this Root grows Leaves like the former, but larger ; and from among those Leaves, come forth Stalks greater and higher than the Common Kind. The fpokie Umbles of white Plowers are in like manner larger, and the Seed like unto Cummin Seed, but much bigger.
V. The Places. Caraways grow naturally in Carta, as DioJ'corides faith, whence came the name : now they are found to grow almost every where in Germany^ as Tragus says, in many places in the fields, and by the Way tides; as also in Meadows, and in the fat and fruitful Fields of Bohemia, and likewife in low grounds, which are now and then over run with Water; but with us they are usually sown in Gardens, where they prosper admirably.
VI. PJ)e Times. They Flower and Seed from May, and continue To till the end ot August.
VII. The futilities. Caraways Seeds are hot and dry, as Galen says, almost in the third Degree. They are Aperitive, Carminative, Digestive, Difcuf-live, Diuretick, Cephalick, Neurotick, Stomatick, Nephritick, Alterative, and Alexipharmick.
VIII. The Specification. They powerfully expel Wind, and ease Pans of the Cholick.
IX. lhe Preparations. You may have, i. The Root. 2. The Herb. The Seed. 4. A Juice of herb and Root. 5. An Essence of the same. 6. A Decoction of the Seed. 7. A Pouder of the Seed 8. Δ Cataolafm of the Herb. 9. A Distilled Water of the whole Plant. 10. A Spirituous Tincture.
I. An Acid PtnUure. 12. An Oily Tincture. }. A Spirit. 14. A Distilled Oil. 15. Potestates, or Powers. 16. An Elixir.
The Virtues.
X. The Root. Parkinson says, that it is better Food than that of the Parsnep, and is pleaiknt, and comfortable to the Stomach, helping Dige-ftion.
XI. The Herb. Being dtied, and made-into Pouder, and ftrewed upon moist and running Sores and Ulcers, it drys them up, and in short time after heals them; it also heals Kibes in Childrens Feet.
XII. T7)eSeed. It is used whole in Bread, Cakes, Apple Pyes and Palsies, to give a reliih to them, and to add a ftomatick and warming Quality, in room of Spice; also to be made into Comfits to correct the Wind in the Stomach. Being Bruised, ffyed, and laid hot in a Bag, or double Cloth, to the lower parts of the Belly, it disperses the Wind, and eases the pains of the Cholick.
XIII. The Juice of the Herb and Root. It is prevalent against Wind, and all cold Diseases of the Head, Nerves, Stomach, Bowels, Womb and Joints: gives ease in the Cholick, and griping of the Guts 5 represses Vapors, and Hysterick Fits, and provokes Urine. Dose two ounces in Wine.
XIV. The Essence. It has trie Virtues of the Juice, but more efficacious in opening Obstructions of the Reins, Ureters and Bladder, and expelling Tartarous mattet from those pans. It prevails a-gainft the Cholick, and all Distempers of the Bowels proceeding fiom cold and Moisture.
XV. The Decoction of the Seed. It has the Virtues of the Juice and Essence, and is very good for such as have the yellow Jaundice, and Virgins troubled with the Green-sickness, and such as art daily afflicted with Wind in the Stomach and Bowels. It ought to be made in Wine, and may be taken to half a pint at a time sweetned with White Sugar.
XVI. The Pouder of the Seed. Taken to one dram, daily Morning and Night, mixed with fine Loaf Sugar, it has been found to sharpen the fight, to expel Wind, and help a bloody Flux, and other fluxes of the Bowels, though they have been of a long standing. And by the constant use thereof, a periodical Cholick has been often cured.
XVII. The Cataplasm. Made of the Pouder of the Seed with White Bread and Sherry Wine, it difculTes flatulent Tumors or Swellings, eases pains in any part proceeding from Cold, comforts and strengthens weak Limbs, and takes away the black and blew spots of Blows, Bruises, and the like-The same laid as hot on as can be endured to the lower parts of the Belly, gives ease in the Cholick.
XVIII. The Distilled Water of the whole ?!***-
It is only used as a Vehicle to convey Stomatick and Carminative Medicaments in, down into the Bodv. ft
XIX. The Spirituous Tincture. It is good against Lethargies, Carus, Vertigo, Apoplexy, Palfie, Fainting, and illness of the Stomach, sickness at Heart, swooning Fits, Convulsions, coldness and weakness of the Nerves, and all those other Diseases for which the Essence is proper. The Dose is half a spoonfut
in a Glass of Wine, Morning, Noon and Night, in aii cold and moist Conttitutions.
XX. The Acid Tincture. It admirably helps digestion, creates a good Stomach, repretfes vapors, and is good against Fits of the Mother. Dose thirty or sorty drops in any Liquor the Patient drinks, or in a Glass of Wine two or three times a day.
XXI. The Oily 'Tincture. It is Diuretick, eases pains of the Back and Reins, being taken inwardly to twenty or thirty drops in any proper Vehicle: outwardly bathed upon the part, it gives ease in Pains of the Gout, proceeding from a cold Cause and is eminently good against Cramps in any part, Convulsions, and the Palfie, if it be well anointed on the Paralitick part before a good fife, and rubbed in for an hour together, and so continued daily for rwelve, fifteen, or twenty days, till the Patient rinds he comes to the feeling strength, and use of his Limbs, Ufe.
XX1L The Spirit drawn from the Seed. It revwes the Spirits, chears the Heart, comforts Nature, re-prefTes Melancholly, warms and strengthens a cold Stomach, and is good against Fainting and Swooning Fits. Dose half an ounce, or more, at a time, being dulcified, upon occafion.
XXIII. The Distilled Oilfrom the Seed. It has all the Virtues of the Juice, Essence, Deco&ion, Pouder, Tinctures and Spirit, but much more powerful to all the said purposes and intentions. Dose from eight to fixteen drops, dropt into Sugar, and then dissolved in any proper Vehicle the Patient likes beft, and is also agreeable to the Medicament in refitting the Disease.
XXIV. The Towers. They have all the Virtues of the Oil, but much more fubtil and penetrating, and more pleasant and eafie to be taken by delicate and weak Stomachs. Dose two or three drams in a Glass ofgenerous Wine, Morning and Night
XXV. The Elixir. It provokes Urine, (having all the Virtues of the Spirit, Tincture, Oil and Powers exalted) and breaks the Stone, if it is soft and gritty, expelling Gravel, Sand and Tartarous Matter from all the Urinary VeiTels. It opens Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen, cleanses the Blood from corrupted Humors, and is commended against the Cachexia, or evil difpofition of the whole Body, aii-fing from a cold, moist, and watry habit of the same and therefore, in the going off of a Dropsie, when the Bowels are much weakned, and the Tone of them extreamly hurt, it lb comforts and strengthens them, as to make the Body to withftand the return of the Disease, into which if the Patient fhould Re-lapfe, It is generally fatal. The Dose is half a spoonful in Sherry, Canary, or Madera Wine.
Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.