Chap. 125. Of Chervil Tooth-pick.
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I. The Names. It is called in Greek, Ttyy\£tw\ X In Latin, Gingidium, and Bifacuta : In Engiifh, Tooth-pick Chervil, and Strange Chervil. The Syrians call it Vifnaga, as Rauwolfius faith.
II. The Kinds. There are three principal kinds, 1. Gingidium verum, five Syriacum Diofcoridis, Syrian Tooth-pick Chervil, called in that Language Vifnaga^ 2. Gingidium Hifpanicum Matthioli, The Spanifh Kind. ς. Gingidium Chxrefolij, Foliis Ta-bemmontani, Tooth-pick Chervil, with Gjervil Leaves.
Hi. The Descriptions. TJje first has a Root almoft like a Carrot Root, not great, but long, white and woolly, perishing every Lear after Seed-time, which π the fame Tear it is Sown, or else fpringing up late, and not Jhooting up into Stalks for Seed, it will a-bide a Winter : from this Root it grows up with an upright Stalk, somewhat rough, branching forth from the very ground almoft, on which are Jet Stalks of fine cut Leaves, smaller than Fennel, efpecialiy those on the Stalks and Branches, for the loweft are a little broader. At the tops of the Branches grow broad Umbles of white Flowers, somewhat purplifh in the middle which I mbles before they flower, hang down their Heads, and after the Flowers are past, the Umbles do contrail, or draw thcmfelves rounder, the outward parts being higher than the middle, which then is fo hollow, that it reprefents a Birds Nell J »eibmg like to the Umbles of the Wild Carrot: The Flows being past, there fuccecds a great plen-
ty of very small Seed. The whole Plant has a kind of Refinotts Tape and Smell. There is another sort also of Syrian Chervil, which has but a few Stalks of winged Leaves, almofl like to Parfneps, but that every divided Leaf is broad and round, but lefter; the Stalk is somewhat hairy, crefted, small, low, and naked of Leaves to the top, whereon grow several long Stalks with Umbles of white Flowers, and two or three small long leaves with them, whose Smell and Tafle is like the former.
ffiit. Olue%otJ?tc&gherml
IV. Tlx Spaniih Kind, has a Root long and white, from whence nfes up a Stalk higher nan the fir η Syrian kind, and is every ways ereater, as to the
whole, hut the Stalk is more slender than it, and the Leaves more tender at the Joints, thicker, and more finely cut at. the tops, on which jiand large Umbles of white Flowers, divided into many parts, and standing upon long Stalks, which when the Seed 'grows ripe and hard, being long and fender, will ferve very well for Tooth-pickers. Gerard fays, that in its Leaves, Flowers, and knobby Stalks, it is like unto Wild parrots, J'aving that the Leaves are somewhat finer cut, or jagged, and tenderer, but not rough or hairy at all, of a reafonable good Smell, and a bitter Tafte, among which rife up bufhy rundles, or jpoky Tufts, like those of the Wild Carrot or Birds Neft, which are clofely drawn together, when the Seed is ripe, at what time the fihirp Needles are hardned, fit to make Tooth-pickers of, and for which purpofe they very wellferve and pom thence came the Engiifh name.
V. The third kind has a Root long, white, and ihortnefs of Breath.
bitterifh, from whish Jpring up divers Stalks of winged Leaves, very like unto the Common or Ordinary Garden Chervil, itut not divided into fo many parts : the Stalk is round, ftraked and blackifh, a-bout a foot and half high, with Joints and Leaves like the others. The Umbles of white Flowers, are encompaffed about with smaller and finer cut Leaves when the Flowers are past, the Umble is controlled together^ which are clammy, and in which lies small Seed.
VI. The Places. They all grow in Syria ·, The second in Spain plentifully : but with us they are only nouriihed up in Gardens.
VII. Tl?e Times. They flower in July and August, and the Seed is ripe in Oclober but with us they flower late, and therefore the Seed is much later; fo that if the Year is not hot and kindly, the Seed will fearcely ripen, or come to perfection with us.
VIII. The Qualities. They are said to be temperate in refpect of heat or cold, and dry in the end of the Second Degree : Aftringent, Stomatick, and Alterative. They are more uied as Nutriment than Medicine, both in former times and now, for piof-corides and Galen say more concerning their Edible Properties, being eaten raw or boiled, or otherways ordered, according to several Mens liking, for that they are bitterifh, and a little Styptick, and fo the more welcome and agreeable to the Stomach : But Galen fays, that they are rather Medicinal than Nutritive, for that though they may have.a temperate Quality, as to heat and cold, yet that they have a manifest bitternefs and aftringency, by both which properties, though they may be very agreeable to the Stomach, yet they are more of the Nature of a Medicine, than of food ·, for that by those Properties, they cleanse and dry up the moist Humors, which by fuperabounding, may offend the Stomach, and by it the Liver, and other parts.
IX. The Specification. Befides lengthening the Stomach, as aforefaid, they are proper against Diseases of the Reins, Ureters, and Bladder, and to provoke Urine.
X. The Preparations. You may have therefrom, i. The Juice. 2. The Effence. 3. The DecoUion in Wine. 4. Tlx Spirituous Tinilure. The Acid Tinilure. 6. The Oily Tincture. 7. The Qitils on which the Seed does grow.
The Virtues.
XI. The liquid Juice. It is good against Vomiting, and ftrengthens the Stomach ·, it provokes U-rine, and expels Sand and Gravel from the Reins find Bladder. The Dofe is three or four ounces, Morning and Evening, in a Glass of White Port Wine.
XII. The Effence. It has the Virtues ot the Juice, but ftrengthens the Stomach more, and is withal more Diuretick. Dofe three or tour ounces in Whi te Port Wine.
XIII. The Decoction in Wine. It is an admirable Stomatick ·, and being drunk to fix or eight ounces, Morning, Noon, and Night, it opens Obstructions, and cleanses the Reins and Urinary parts of Sand, Gravel, small Stones, and Tartarous Slime lodged in those parts; but it is not full out fo powerful as the Effence.
XIV. The Spirituous Tinilure. It ftrengthens the Stomach, helps Digestion, chears the Heart, revives the Spirits, and comforts Univerfal Nature. Dofe a fpoonful at a time.
XV. The AcidTinclure. It stops Vomiting, cleanses the Stomach of Tartar, and Vifcofity, causes a good Appetite, and helps Wheezing, Hoarsness, and
XVI. The Oily Tincture. It is Kephritick and Diuretick, cleanles the Reins and Bladder, and fo is good against Stone and Strangury. Dofe twenty or thirty Drops in White Port Wine.
XVII. The sZuiIs, Needles, or Tooth-pickers. They ferve to pick and cleanse the Teeth and Gums of any thing flicking in them, which they do without any hurt to them, and leave a good fcent in the Mouth.
Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.