Chap. 168. Of Cress Sciatica.

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I. The The Names. It is called in Greek, ist_t η

X x^f</auamxA : ill Arabick, Seitaragi, and Haufab: in Latin, Uteris Jive Cardama/itica, (quod Cardamo, id eft Nasturtio fimilis ejl: J and in English, Sciatica Cress.

II. The Kinds. It is twofold, viz. 1. Iberis nasturtii joins, Lepidium Campejlre Anguilare, Iberis Jecunda Tabernmontani, Iberis Cardamantica Gerardi, Iberis Nasturtii jolio bauhini, Sciatica Cress.

2. Iberis Latiore jolio s3auhini, Iberis Lugdunensis Dodonai, Lacuna, Gesneri in hortis, & Cafalpini, who also lays it is Lepidium forte Columella, Lepidium hortense Anguilara, Iberis Cardamantica Lo-belu, Lepidium Iberias Pauli Aegineta, Sciatica Cress with broader Leaves.

III. The Descriptions. The first has a Root which is long, white and woody, from which rises up a round Stalk about two feet high, which spreads it self into divers Branches, whose lower Leaves are somewhat larger than the upper, yet all of them cut or torn on the edges, somewhat like unto Garden CrefTes, but smaller: the Flowers are small and white, growing at the tops of the Branches, which being pafpdaway, Husks grow forth, like to those of CreGhs, with smaller brownish Seed therein than in the other, which is very sharp and biting in Tafie, more than those of CrefTes are.

IV. The second, or Sciatica Cress with broader Leaves, has a Root like the former, and fiarp in Taste as it _·, from which spring up Leaves somewhat long and broad, not rent or torn at all, but whole, only a little dented about the edges towards the ends, very like to those of the Thlafpi Creticum. Prom among these Leaves rises up a Stalk pretty thick and strong, much about the height of the other, which ifuddenly spreads it self out into several Branches, \on which grow Leaves, which are lesser, shorter and

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narrower, as they grow in heigjn, and stand on the Stalks without any great Order. The flowers grow at the tops of the Branches in spikei Heads, which with their Seed, arc very like the former, the Seed of this tάβιοι <K hot, sharp and biting, as the Seed of the other.

V. The Places. They grow by the Way sides in rough and untilfd places, and by the sides of old Walls, and fcch-like : they have been found in Corn-fields about Southfleet, near to Gravefcnd in Kent.

VI. The Times. They flower according as they are early or late ibwn in the Fields ; but for the most part in June and July, and their Seed is ripe not long after.

VII. The Qualities, Specification, Preparations, Virtues and Uses, are in the main the same with those of Garden Cress in Chap. 163. aforegoing. But more especially these are said to be Specificks in curing the Sciatica and Gout in any Part*.

VIII. Observation. A Cataplasm made of the green Leaves, but especially oi the Roots, either a-lone or mixed with old Hogs Lard, and applied to the nlace pained with the Sciatica, letting it to lye on for four hours in Men, and two hours in Women*, is said by Galen from Damocrates, to cure the Disease and not only this Disease in the Hips or Huckle-bone, but also the Gout, and all other rains and Aches in the Joints, whether of Hands, Knees or Feet; likewise all other inveterate Griefs of the Head, or other Parts of the Body difficult to be cured _·, as vehement and long continued Catarrhs, universal Rheumatisms, &c. he also says, that Damocrates cured hereby all those Diseases, to which Sinapi, Thlaspi and Thapsia are applied. Pliny\ recites the same method and manner of Application, and says farther, that if any part of the Grief remains, that the same Medicine after twenty days is to be applied again. And applied to the Skin, it takes away the Blemiihes thereof as Freckles, hen-tils, Scars, Scabs, Scurf, Leprosie, 8cc. it is true, that it exulcerates or bUiters the Part, but that is to be healed with a Balsam made of Oil and Wax, with the Addition of a little Strasburgh Turpentine. After the Application of the Cataplasm in the Sciatica, the Part, says Gerard, is to be bathed with warrri'Water _·, or, as Parkinson lays, with warm Wine and Oil mixed together ; and then wrapped up with Wool or Skins, or a Lamb-skin may be applied whilst it is yet hot, and but newly taken off horn the Creature. Dioscorides and Pliny say, that if the Root is hung about the Neck, or tyed to the Arm, it will give ease in the Tooth-ach.

Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.