Chap. 185. Of Cumin Garden.

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I. The Names. It is called in Greek, Kfyiwp: A in Latin, Cuminum: in Arabick, Camum and Kemum _·, and in English, Cumin.

II. The Kinds. It is twofold, viz. 1. Κυμνορ ϋμίζβψ, Cuminum Hortense, Garden Cumin. 2. Kvp/w Mm Cuminum agreste, Wild Cumin of this we shall discourse in the next Chapter.

III. The Garden kind is threefold, 1. κύμινο* JV μ'0Î_\ς, Cuminum vulgare, Our ordinary Cumin. 2. Κύμινο* yxvroi, Cuminum dulce, Cuminum melitenfe dulce, Sweet Cumin, and Small Cumin. 3. tvyupep <?ξÎ_μυ, Cuminum acre, Cuminum melitence acre, Sharp tasted Cumin, and Great Cumin.

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IV. The Descriptions. The first of these has a Root which u iMfr small, white, and pending every Year ; from whence J) ring up freeral fender Stalks, a foot and half high or more, and feme of them not so high, each branching themselves out gradually,, and growing white at length, having f lore of Leaves, which are small and long, like unto those of Fennel. The Flowers are somewhat reddish, growing in Vmbles at the tops of the Stalks, wh'uh turn into small, long and almost round whitish Seed, crofted or Jlraked on the rounder side, and fmoiling strong.

V. The fcconl, or Sweet small Cumin, has Roots, Stalks and Leaves like to the former, and like it in its manner of Growing ; but its Seed is small, and

\ like unto Anise Seed, and J wee t as Sweet Fennel Seed Jo that it seems to be nothing difiering from the former, but in the Shape or harm, Magnitude, and very fwcet Taste of the Seed.

VI. The third, or Sharp-tailed great Cumin, is like the Ordinary or Common Cumin in its Roots, Stalks, Leaves, Branches, Flowers and manner of Growing, saving that it is every ways greater but it principally differs in its Seeds, for they are not on y greater than those of the first or Ordinary Cumin, but they are longer aljo, and pointed at both ends, crejled likewise on the rounder side, and of a much duller color, smelling more unpleasantly, and tasting very fihirp upon the Tongue, hot, quick and biting, like Cubebs or Pepper.

VII. The Places. They grow all of them in England, in our Gardens, the Seed being sown _·, but they are Natives of other hotter Countries, as Spain, Italy and the Islands of the Mediterranean Sea, as also in Syria, Palejlma, and other Eajlern Countries, where they grow familiarly and plentifully. The first of these grows moil common with us in our cultivated Grounds, but admirably well in the South parts of Carolina, and other parts of Floride, where I law it in Perfection. The fesond grows, hefides in all the places aforenamed, very plentifully in the Iile of Maltha, where they put it into their Hread and other Meats, and Trade with it to other Parts in exchange for other Commodities. The third (as well as the first) grows in several parts of Arabia, Ethiopia, Aegypt and Afia, where it more admirably obtains that acrid or sharp Taste : however, they delight to grow in putrified and hot Soils.

VIII. The Times. Parkinson says they come not often to Perfection with us, unless in a kindly Year, and sown in the middle of the Spring: so that tho' they flower and seed early in hot Countries, yet it is late with us before the Seed comes A Ripeness. Gerard says, that he had proved the Seeds (of the first fort) in his Garden, where they brought ripe Seed, much fairer and greater than any which comes from beyond Sea. It is to be sown in the middle of the Spring : Ruellius says, that a Shower of Rain presently following its Sowing, hinders much the Growth thereof Gerard fow\l it in the midst of May, and it sprung up in fix days after, and the Seed was ripe in the end of July.

IX. The Qualities. The Seed, which is principally used, is hot'and dry in the third Degree, full of Sulphur and Mercury \ it is Aperitvie, Anodvne, Aitringent, Attractive, Carminative, Digestive, Discussiye, Diuretick and Sudorifick h Cephalick, Neu-jottck, Stomatick, Pectoral, Nephritick and Hvfte-nck ; Emmenagogkk, Lithontriptick, Alexiphar-mick, Analeptick and Spermatogenetick.

X. The Specification. It has been found, by Experience, ro be a singular Cure for the Colick.

XI. The Preparations. You may have, 1. A liquid Juice of the green Herb. 2. An Fife nee of the

green Herb. τ,. A Cataplasm of the green Herb. 4. A Pouder of the Seed. 5. A Spirituous Tmdure of the same. 6. An And Vmclure thereof. 7. An Oily Tincture of ϊζ. 8. Λ Saline Tmtiure. 9. A Spirit of the Seed. 10. An Oil from the same. 11. A Spirituous Water. 12. A Balsam made of the Chymical Oil. 13. A Decoc/ιοη if the Seed. 14. A Cataplasm thereof.

The Virtues.

XII. The liquid Juice of the Lewes. It expels Wind and Urine, provokes the Tefms, and is g*>od against the Bitings of Mad Dogs, Serpents, and other Venomous Creatures. Dose 2 spoonfuls at a time Morning and Night, in a Glass of Wine or Ale.

XIII. T))e Essence of the green Herb. It has the former Virtues, besides which, it prevails against the Colick and fluxes of the Bowels, is good against Vapors in Women, is a good Peroral, open-ng Obstructions of the Brelt and Lungs. Dose 1 or 2 Ipoonfuls Morning and Night in Wine.

XIV. The Cataplasm of the green Herb. It dif-culles Wind in the Bowels, strengthens the Joints, discusses windy Humors in those or any other Parts, repercuffes Humors in fimpie and recent Contusions, discusses f tendencies in the Scrotum, and prevail* jgainft the Gout.

XV. The Pouder of tie Seed. Mixed with Honey, ( a dram at a time ) it is Pectoral, and very good against Coughs and Colds. Mixed with Vinegar and put up the Nostrils, it is laid to stop Bleeding there. Made up into a Quilt, sprinkled with good Wine-Vinegar, and made very hot upon a Warming-pan with Coals in ir, and so applied to the Side, it takes away Pains and Stitches, and gives ease in the Pleurify. Taken to 1 dram in a Glass of Generous Wine, it eases Pains of the Stomach and Womb, gives Relief in the Colick, and is good against the Gripings of the Guts. It makes such as use it much inwardly to look very pale.

XVI. The Spirituous Tincture of trie Seed. It is a true Anticolick, given to 1 spoonful in Wine or Ale, strengthens the Stomach, and restores the Tone thereof, and is a singular good thing against the Bloody-flux, and all other Fluxes of the Bowels.

XVII. The Acid Tincture. It is a most admirable Stomatick, expels Wind, strengthens the Ventricle, causes a good Appetite and an excellent Digestion and if a Loathing or Vomiting is present, it presently removes them, restoring the Stomach to its pristin State of Health. Dole so much at a time as to make the Liquor pleasantly sharp. It gives ease in the Gout and cures it, if the Parts affected be bathed therewith for some time.

XVIII. The Oily Tincture. It immediately cures the Cholick to a Miracle, being given from 20 to 40 or 50 drops at a-time, in a Glass of Wine, or some other proper Vehicle : it opens Obstructions of the Womb, provokes the Terms, and removes Sand, Gravel and Tartarous Matter rrom the Reins, Ureters and Bladder, giving singular ease in a very short time. Anointed outwardly upon the Joints affected with the Gout, it gives eafe, and in a ihorr time after cures it. It cures Cramps and Convulsions to a Miracle, by anointing it on the Part affected.

XIX. The Saline Tincture. Given from 20 to 40 drops, or more, in a Glass of White Port Wine, it opens Obstructions of the Reins and Ureters, cleanses those Parts of Sand, Gravel or Tartarous Matter, and causes the Patient to Pils freely. Outwardly bathed upon places affected with the Gout,


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Botanologia, or The English Herbal, was written by William Salmon, M.D., in 1710.