492. Salvia.—Sage, U.S.P. VIII.
The dried leaves of Sal'via officin'alis Linné.
DESCRIPTION.—About 2 inches (50 mm.) long, ovate, obtuse, base narrow to the long petiole, thickish, wrinkled, grayish-green, soft, hairy, and reticulated and glandular beneath; odor aromatic, taste bitterish and astringent. Salvia is said to be adulterated with other species, closely resembling the official in late summer.
CONSTITUENTS.—Volatile oil (0.5 to 0.75 per cent.), resin, tannin, etc. The volatile oil contains pinene, cineol, and salviol, C10H18O.
ACTION AND USES.—Stimulant, tonic, astringent, vulnerary, in infusion or decoction. Dose: 15 to 60 gr. (1 to 4 Gm.).