470. Verbena hastata.—American Blue Vervain. 471. Verbena urticaefolia.—White vervain.
Botanical name:
470. VERBENA HASTATA Linné.—AMERICAN BLUE VERVAIN. (Root and Herb.) (Verbena, N.F., is the dried overground portion of the plant, collected when flowering.) The hot infusion is used as a sudorific in colds, etc. Also tonic and expectorant. Dose of fl'ext.: 30 to 60 drops (2 to 4 mils).
471. VERBENA URTICAEFOLIA Linné.—WHITE VERVAIN. Habitat: Tropical America. (Root.) Febrifuge. Credited with the cure of the opium-habit. Dose of fl'ext.: 30 to 40 drops (2 to 2.6 mils).