
Botanical name: 

The leaves of Centaurea benedicta.

Dose.—The powder may be administered in doses of from ℈j- to ʒj. Decoction, as an emetic, ℥iv. to ℥viii. Warm infusion, as a diaphoretic, ℥ij. to ℥iv.; of the tincture gtt. j. to gtt. x.

Therapeutic Action.—A strong decoction, taken freely, acts as an emetic, and may be used for this purpose. It may likewise be employed to assist the action of other emetics.

A warm infusion, taken in less quantity, promotes perspiration, and may be resorted to, to fulfill this indication in colds, and in the forming stages of febrile and inflammatory diseases. It will be found valuable in cases of sudden suppression of the menses, arising from exposure to cold.

As a tonic and stomachic, we have found a cold infusion exceedingly valuable in cases of a lauguid and debilitated state of the stomach; it promotes the appetite, and gives energy to the digestive organs.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.