
Botanical name: 

The root of the Collinsonia canadensis.—U.S.

Preparations.—In its olden time use as a diuretic, an infusion of the entire plant was employed. For its specific use, we employ a tincture of the root.

Dose.—Of the tincture, from the fraction of a drop to ʒss. according to the use of the remedy.

Therapeutic Action.—Collinsonia is reputed diuretic, diaphoretic, tonic, ustringent, stimulant, carminative, emetic, discutient and lithontriptic. Numerous are the properties said to be possessed by this agent; and it is often employed in domestic practice for various purposes. It is esteemed diuretic, and has been used in dropsies and chronic diseases of the urinary passages, and is a reputed lithontriptic, and as such has been highly extolled in calculous affections. As to its capability of dissolving urinary concretions, we have our doubts, although it may be serviceable in allaying the irritation caused by the presence of calculi. It has been found useful in colic, spasm of the stomach and bowels, and "after-pains," owing to its stimulant and carminative properties, and favorable reports are made of its utility in "night-sweats." As a tonic it has been recommended in indigestion, and as a diaphoretic in rheumatism. It has also been said to be an effectual remedy in headache. Prof. Wood states that a decoction of the fresh root is said to have been used with advantage in catarrh of the bladder, leucorrhoea, gravel, dropsy and other complaints; and the leaves are applied by the country people, in the form of cataplasm or fomentation, to wounds, bruises and sores, and in cases of internal abdominal pains.

Specific Indications.—Irritation with sense of constriction in the larynx. Pressure at the supra-renal notch. Oppression with tightness in epigastrium. Painful constriction of rectum, of ostium vaginae, and of urethra. Hemorrhoids, with contraction of the sphincter, and sense of foreign body (irritant) in the rectum.

Specific Uses.—The indications as above given will give a quite extended field for this valuable remedy. Our first use of the remedy was in minister's sore throat, for which it is as near a specific as a remedy can be for the name of a disease, It is also a prominent remedy in chronic laryngitis, and in some cases of trachitis and bronchitis.

In functional heart disease, with gastric irritation, it is a prominent remedy. It is also a remedy in some cases of chronic gastritis, and irritative dyspepsia. In these cases I give it in the large doses—Rx. Tinct. Collinsonia ℥j. to ℥ij., Simple Syrup ℥iij. to ℥iv,; a teaspoonful every four hours.

In diseases of the rectum, and in hemorrhoids with the indications given, we employ the small dose—Rx. Tinct. Collinsonia gtt. v. to gtt. x., water ℥iv.; a teaspoonful every three or four hours. With the sense of constriction, and of an irritant body in the rectum, it is as prompt and direct as any remedy in the materia medica.

It is not so frequently indicated in diseases of women, or in diseases of the urinary organs, but cases will be found in which it goes directly to the spot, and gives relief.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.