The root of Coptis trifolia.—U. S.
Preparations.—The Powder. Tincture of Coptis.
Dose.—Of the powder, grs. ij. to grs. x. Of the Tincture, gtt. v. to ʒss.
Therapeutic Action.—The Coptis acts as a tonic and stomachic. It is a mild, simple, and pure bitter, closely resembling Hydrastis, Columbo, Quassia, Gentian, etc., in its medicinal properties; and it may be used as a substitute for these medicines when they are not at command. It is a valuable tonic and stomachic in dyspepsia. In cases of anorexia, but few if any articles will be found superior to this in promoting the appetite; and but few to exceed it, when the digestive functions are enfeebled, in facilitating their restoration to a normal standard.
The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.