
Botanical name: 

The bark of the root of Cornus florida.—U. S.

Preparation.—Tincture of Cornus Florida.

Dose.—From five drops to one drachm.

Therapeutic Action.—Cornus Florida is tonic, corroborant, astringent, antiseptic, and stimulant. It resembles the cinchona in its medical properties and uses, and may be employed as a substitute in the various cases in which that is recommended.

When administered it is found to augment the force and frequency of the pulse, and elevate the temperature of the body. It has been employed in intermittent fever as an anti-periodic; but since the introduction of the sulphate of quinine into general use, it has fallen into disuse. It is more frequently prescribed in atonic habits, when there is a relaxed or enfeebled state of the system, than for any other purpose.

It is sometimes used as a stomachic bitter in dyspepsia, and as a prophylactic to fevers.

In cases of gangrene and mortification, it is occasionally used, both internally and externally. The finely pulverized bark may be applied as a poultice to gangrenous ulcers, or to parts approaching gangrene.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.