Rhus aromatica.

Botanical name: 

The bark of the root of Rhus aromatica.—U.S

Preparation.—A tincture is prepared from the fresh bark of the root.

Dose.—The dose will vary from five to twenty drops.

Therapeutic Action.— Dr. McClanahun, of Missouri, introduced this remedy as a specific for incontinence of urine, but whilst it relieves in some cases it fails in others, as we would suspect. Of its uses the doctor writes:—

"The great superiority of this remedy in the treatment of diabetes and enuresis led to its use in other abnormal conditions of the urinary and genital organs, viz., hematuria, uterine hemorrhage, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, and other excessive discharges, accompanied by a relaxed condition of the uterus. I have found the remedy to act well in hematuria arising from various causes; it will be found a fine remedy in hemorrhage of the kidneys arising from a general diseased condition of the blood, accompanied by general debility, that form which sometimes precedes Bright's disease; and it will, many times, relieve the same arising from falls, blows, calculus, etc. A friend of mine, Dr. Gray, has relieved two cases of chronic hematuria with the Rhus aromatica, which he could not manage with any other remedy. I was also highly delighted with its action in uterine hemorrhage; indeed I have given it a place in my obstetric case; I regard it inferior to no remedy. I use it in the same capacity as cinnamon, erigeron, ergot, etc., the dose varying from five to twenty drops of the tincture, according to the urgency of the case.

"For the last three years I have used this remedy largely in minor diseases of children; time and space will not admit of further examples, hence I will only describe the conditions to which it is applicable: Stools profuse, skin cool and sallow, pulse small and feeble, loss of flesh, abdomen flabby, tongue pale, trembling and moist, trembling in lower limbs, general sense of lassitude and languor. Dose for infants, ten to twenty drops in a half glass of water, teaspoonful as often as necessary; for children, perhaps five drops of the first dilution."

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.