The entire plant Sticta pulmonaria.—U.S.
Preparation.—A tincture of the recent plant.
Dose.—From the fraction of a drop to five drops.
Specific Indications.—Pain extending from the shoulders to the occiput; occipital pain increased by turning the head. Cough associated with pain in the shoulders, or in the extrinsic respiratory muscles. Pulse has a peculiar trill as if wiry, but is soft.
Therapeutic Action.—Sticta influences the basilar brain and pneumogastric nerves, relieving irritation. The frequent pulse dependent upon pneumogastric irritation will be slowed, and other wrongs overcome. Increased temperature dependent upon this irritation will be lessened. Cough dependent principally upon nervous wrong will be relieved.
I have employed the Sticta as a remedy for the relief of cough and disease of the respiratory apparatus. It makes no difference what part is involved, or whether acute or chronic, if these indications present. It is a valuable remedy in some cases of heart disease, if the above symptoms are observed
We employ it in the treatment of rheumatism with excellent results, if the cervical and occipital pain is present. The cases are not usually those involving the larger articulations, but annoying from the persistence of the disease.
The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.