
Botanical name: 

Dose.—Of the recent root, from grs. v. to grs. x.; but if dry and long kept, the dose will have to be increased to grs. xv. or ʒss. mixed in simple syrup, or warm water sweetened.

Ictodes Fetida, or Skunk Cabbage, described in the class Expectorants, is decidedly diaphoretic as well as expectorant. It exerts a specific influence over the cutaneous exhalants, causing a relaxed and softened state of the skin, a determination to the surface, and gentle perspiration. The powder or infusion, given in repeated doses, not only causes perspiration, but promotes the secretion and expectoration of bronchial mucus; hence it is a very valuable agent in the treatment of pulmonary affections.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.