
Botanical name: 

The bark of the root of Triosteum perfoliatum.—U.S.

Preparations.—The powdered bark. Tincture of Triosteum.

Dose.—The dose of the powdered root, as a cathartic, grs. xx. to ʒss. Of the tincture, gtt. x. to xx.

Therapeutic Action.—The Triosteum is cathartic, emetic, tonic, diuretic, anti-rheumatic, and alterative. When administered in suitable doses, it acts pretty efficiently as a cathartic; in larger doses, as an emetic; in smaller doses, it is tonic and diuretic.

As a cathartic it is sometimes prescribed in the early stages of intermittent and remittent fevers, but it is not sufficiently active to command any particular attention in these diseases. It may be combined with the podophyllin or jalap in these cases, and answers a very good purpose. It may be used in atonic states of the system as a cathartic, as a laxative, or tonic, as it is not debilitating like most cathartics. The Triosteum is spoken of as a diuretic, but rarely used for this purpose.

The American Eclectic Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 1898, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.