Actaea alba. (White Cohosh.)

Botanical name: 

Preparation.—Two preparations may be used: first, a tincture of the recent root, ℥viij. to Alcohol 76° Oj.; second, a tincture of the dried root in the same proportion, but using Alcohol of 98°. Let the dose range from one to twenty drops.

The White Cohosh has had but a limited use in medicine, yet it possesses such properties that it will undoubtedly prove useful when studied. The direction of experiment will be to determine its influence on the functions of waste and nutrition, and its special action on the reproductive organs of the female.

Bloomington, Ill., Sept. 30. Dr. Scudder: I intended to have written to you, in regard to one specific property of the Actaea Alba. As you have reached it in your order, you can do as you wish in regard to inserting this. It is specific in controlling after-pains. There is probably no remedy known that equals it. Make a tea of it, and drink freely. This power in controlling after-pains, suggests that it will prove invaluable in congestion and neuralgia of the womb. W. Fulton, M. D.

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.