Collinsonia Canadensis. (Stone Root.)
We employ an alcoholic fluid extract of the Collinsonia, representing the crude article ounce for ounce. As there are a great many imperfect preparations in the market, I would advise that it be procured from one of our own houses in this city.
Collinsonia is a specific in ministers' sore throat; administered in the proportion of: Rx Fluid Extract of Collinsonia, Simple Syrup, aa., half teaspoonful to a teaspoonful four times a day.
It proves beneficial in other cases of chronic laryngitis, in chronic bronchitis, and phthisis, allaying irritation, and checking cough.
It also exerts a favorable influence upon the digestive processes, improving the appetite, facilitating digestion, and acting as a general tonic.
It passes off through the kidneys, and exerts a tonic influence upon the entire extent of the urinary tract.
I have thought that its influence was specially exerted upon and through the pneumogastric, relieving irritation of, and giving strength to parts supplied from this source.
Collinsonia is a specific in the early stages of hemorrhoids, and will sometimes effect a cure in the advanced stages of the disease. In this case it is employed in small doses: Fluid Extract of Collinsonia, ʒj.; Water, ℥iv.; a teaspoonful four times a day.
I have given the therapeutics of Collinsonia thus briefly, that the points named might make the greater impression upon the reader. I regard it as one of the most direct and valuable agents of the Materia Medica, and one that will give satisfaction to whoever employs it.
Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.