Gymnocladus Canadensis. (American Coffee Tree.)

Botanical name: 

This agent has been but little used in medicine, yet if we are to judge from its common use as a fly poison, it possesses active properties that may be made available. For experiment, a tincture may be made of the bark, beans, or pulp of the seed-pod; the last being regarded as the most active.

Dr. Herring concluded from his experiments that it might be given with benefit in cases of "cough accompanied or followed by tonsilitis; in erysipelas of the face; in scarlet fever; in so-called hives; in typhoid fever; remittent or intermittent epidemic fever, with a typhoid character, etc."

The dose would be small. Of a tincture of ℥iv. of the pulp to the Oj.; gtts. x. to Water, ℥iv.; a teaspoonful every three hours would be sufficient.

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.