Helonias Dioica. (Unicorn Root.)

Botanical name: 

True Helonias undoubtedly exerts a marked influence upon the reproductive organs of the female, but as it is so frequently supplied from the Aletris, but little dependence can be placed upon it.

It exerts the general influence of a tonic, and a special tonic action upon the uterine and urinary organs. It is possible that if we can obtain a reliable preparation, it will be found superior to other remedies for these purposes. One of the special indications for its use is in the mental depression and irritability that attends many of these affections. I am of the impression that, in many cases, the relief of this cerebral disturbance is its most important action.

Specific Medication and Specific Medicines, 1870, was written by John M. Scudder, M.D.