Canarium album Raeusch. Burseraceae. Canarium
A tree native of China and Cochin China, Anam and the Philippines. The fruit is pickled and used as olives.
Canarium commune Linn. Chinese Olive. Java Almond.
Moluccas. This fine-looking tree is cultivated for the sake of its fruit which, in taste, is something like an almond. An oil is expressed from the seed which in Java is used in lamps and when fresh is mixed with food. Bread is also made from its nuts in the island of Celebes. In Ceylon, the nut is called wild almond by Europeans and is eaten.
Canarium edule Hook. f.
Tropical Africa. This is the safu of the island of St. Thomas in the Gulf of Guinea, where its fruit is much esteemed. In taste, the fruit is bitter and astringent; it is usually roasted.
Canarium pimela Kon.
Cochin China, China and Java. The black fruit is sometimes pickled.
Canarium sylvestre Gaertn.
Amboina. The plant bears nuts with edible kernels.
Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World, 1919, was edited by U. P. Hedrick.