Cordia collococca Linn. Boragineae. Clammy Cherry.
Jamaica. The fruit is red, with a sweetish pulp and is edible.
Cordia loureiri Roem. et Schult.
China. The drupe is red, small, acid and edible.
Cordia myxa Linn. Assyrian Plum. Selu.
Tropical Asia and Australia. The tender, young fruit is eaten as a vegetable and is pickled in India. The ripe fruit is also eaten. The kernel tastes somewhat like a filbert and that of the cultivated tree is better.
Cordia obliqua Willd.
Tropical India. The young fruit is pickled and is also eaten as a vegetable.
Cordia rothii Roem. et Schult.
Western India. The fruit is eaten.
Cordia sebestena Linn.
Tropical America. The plant bears a mucilaginous, edible fruit. Nuttall says it has been observed growing at Key West, Florida.
Cordia vestita Hook. f. & Thorns.
Himalayan region. The fruit is filled with a gelatinous pulp, which is eaten and is preferred to that of C. myxa.
Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World, 1919, was edited by U. P. Hedrick.