Inflammation of the Salivary Glands.

Specific Parotitis.—Mumps.—Symptomatic Parotitis.

Synonym.—Parotid Bubo.

Definition.—As the name suggests, this is a secondary inflammation of the parotid gland, with greater tendency to suppuration than in specific parotitis or mumps.

Etiology.—This being symptomatic, there are a variety of causal factors that figure in the production of the disease. Thus it may come up during the infectious fevers, especially in typhoid and dysentery. In these cases the septic condition of the blood may be, and usually is, the cause; or the inflammation may extend along the salivary duct till it reaches the gland. In peripheral neuritis following facial paralysis, symptomatic parotitis may occur.

Paget has called attention to injuries or disease of the abdominal and pelvic viscera; such as an injury to the abdominal wall, or to the peritoneum, or the urinary tract. A blow on the testes has also been followed by parotitis, as has the introduction of a pessary, some menstrual derangements, and pregnancy.

Symptoms.—During the course of the primary disease, or following an injury, the gland becomes swollen, tender, and more or less dusky and livid. There is a marked tendency to suppuration.

Diagnosis.—The swollen and enlarged gland makes the diagnosis easy.

Prognosis.—A certain per cent will terminate in suppuration.

Treatment.—The cause being septic conditions of the blood, the treatment will very naturally be the administration of antiseptics; hence, echinacea, in five to- ten drop doses, will fit many cases. Combine with this agent phytolacca. In place of these, sodium sulphite, if the tongue be covered with a nasty, dirty, pasty coating. If dry and brown, muriatic acid replaces the soda. If we see that suppuration can not be prevented, moist, hot applications should be made, hastening the process, when it should be freely opened and treated aseptically as any other abscess.

The Eclectic Practice of Medicine, 1907, was written by Rolla L. Thomas, M. S., M. D.