
Botanical name: 

Agrimonia. Agrimonia Eupatoria, L. Common Agrimony. Herba Agrimonia; Aigremoine, Eupatoire des Grecs, Fr. Odermoening, Leberklette, G. (Fam. Rosaceae.)—This species of agrimony is a perennial herb, indigenous to Europe, and while somewhat resembling one or more species of Agrimonia growing in the United States, it differs, according to Britton, markedly in foliage and fruit from any of our species. Its stem, which rises from one to three feet in height, is hairy, furnished with interruptedly pinnate leaves, and terminated by a long simple spike of yellow flowers. Both the herb and root have been employed. A volatile oil may be obtained from the plant by distillation. Agrimony is a mild astringent and alterative. It also contains a bitter principle. Dose, one drachm (3.9 Gm.) or more. (See 16th ed., U. S. D.)

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.