Panbotano Bark. Calliandra houstoni.

Botanical name: 

Panbotano Bark.—The root of the Mexican leguminous tree, Calliandra Houstoni Benth., has been highly recommended by Valude as an antiperiodic, although Villejean was not able to find in it either an alkaloid or a glucoside. (Journ. de Sci. Med. de Lille, 1890.) Pouchet (Nouv. Rem., 1896), however, states that he has found in panbotano, besides saponin, an alkaloid which produces death by systolic arrest of the heart. Both Dinau (These de Paris, 1896) and Crespin confirm its antiperiodic value. (B. G. T., Aug., 1895.) A tincture representing two ounces of the root is taken in four doses during twenty-four hours.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.