
Botanical name: 

Cocillana. N. F. IV.—It is described in the N. F. as "the dried bark of Guarea Rusbyi (Britton) Rusby (Fam. Meliaceae). In flat or curved pieces of variable size and from 3 to 5 mm. in thickness; outer surface shallowly or deeply fissured, according to age and thickness, gray-brown, often ashy-gray from lichen growths, or of a deeper brown where the cork has been removed; inner surface of medium brown color, strongly and coarsely longitudinally striate, the striae straight or wavy; inner bark usually much thicker than the outer, its fracture coarsely splintery-fibrous. Odor characteristic; taste slightly astringent, peculiar and slightly nauseous. Cocillana yields not more than 10 per cent. of ash." N. F. The bark of this large Bolivian tree, which was discovered by H. Rusby, is believed by him (T. G.) 1888) to contain an alkaloid; but by John W. Eckfeldt (Med. Bull., 1891) its active principle is thought to be a glucoside. In doses of from twenty to fifty grains (1.3-3.2 Gm.) the bark causes vomiting, with prostration and some purging; also, it is said, much sneezing, dull frontal headache, and discharge from the nasal mucous membrane. The therapeutic action of the drug resembles that of ipecac, although as an expectorant it is somewhat more stimulant. (See N. T. M. J., Dec., 1889, and April, 1890). It has been used in various forms of bronchitis with asserted success. Dose, of the drug, fifteen grains

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.