Globularia. Wild Senna. Globularia alypum.
Globularia. Globularia Alypum Delile, Wild Senna of Europe. (Fam. Globulariaceae.)—This is a small shrub, growing on the European shores of the Mediterranean, the leaves of which have been occasionally used as a cathartic since the Middle Ages. Heckel and Schlagdenhauffen obtained from the leaves globularin, C15H20O8, an amorphous glucoside which splits by treatment with mineral acids into glucose and globularetin, C9H6O. Globularia vulgaris L. was found to contain the same substances. (J. P. C., 1883, 361.) It is asserted that globularin is a vasomotor constrictor which acts especially upon the renal arteries. Jaksch (R. T., 1910, p. 596) has observed diminution of the quantity of urine in diabetes insipidus, also of diabetes mellitus after the administration of the glucoside. The dose of globularin is one-half to one grain (0.03-0.065 Gm.) daily. It does not diminish the excretion of sugar. Globularetin, a brownish-yellow powder, has also been used in medicine as a diuretic and purgative, although no definite information can be found regarding either its efficiency or its manner of use. Dose, of globularia, according to Planchon, one ounce (31 Gm.), in decoction.