Hyssopus. Hyssop. Hyssopus officinalis.
Hyssopus. Hyssopus officinalis L. Hyssop. Hysope, Fr. Isop, Ysop, G.—This is a European labiate plant, found along roadsides in this country, whose flowering summits and leaves have been used in medicine. They have an agreeable aromatic odor, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste, due to the presence of a volatile oil. This oil is colorless or greenish-yellow, of peculiar odor, sharp camphor-like taste, and neutral reaction. It has a sp. gr. from 0.88 to 0.98, distils between 142° and 162° 0. (287.6°-323.60 F.), and is soluble in its own bulk of alcohol of 0.85 sp. gr. The acid found in the oil has been identified as l-pinonic acid, and the ketone l-pinocamphene. Hyssop is a warm, gently stimulant aromatic, applicable to the same cases as the other labiate plants.