

Jellies.—The form of jelly is sometimes a convenient method of administering medicines, especially the fixed oils, as cod liver oil, castor oil, resinous juices, etc. The following is a formula recommended by Parrish and William C. Bakes. "Take of the fixed oil or liquid resin a troy-ounce; honey, syrup, each, half a troy ounce; gum arabic, in powder, two drachms; Russian isinglass, forty grams; orange-flower water, six fluidrachms. Dissolve the isinglass, with the aid of heat, in half a fluidounce of the orange-flower water, replacing the water as it evaporates. Triturate the other ingredients, with the remainder of the orange-flower water, into a homogeneous mass in a warmed mortar, then add the hot solution of isinglass, stir the mixture as it cools, and set it aside to gelatinize." (A. J. P., 1861, 4.) Any other aromatic water may be substituted for that of the orange flower, and cinnamon water diluted with an equal measure of pure water would probably better cover the offensive taste. In reference to cod liver oil, the bitter-almond, or cherry-laurel water would be still more effectual, care, however, being taken, in this case, that the water be duly diluted, lest too large a dose of it be administered.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.