Extractum Krameriae. Br. Extract of Krameria.
Related entries: Krameria
Extract of Rhatany; Extractum Ratanhae; Extrait de Ratanhia, Fr. Cod.; Ratanh-extrakt, G.; Estratto di ratania acquoso, It.; Extracto acuoso de ratania, Sp.
"Exhaust Krameria Root, in No. 10 powder, with Distilled Water by the percolation process; evaporate the percolate to dryness." Br.
This extract was deleted from the U. S. P. IX, but has been introduced in the N. F. IV as a powdered extract (see Part III). In the U. S. P. VIII it was made by percolating' the drug with water and evaporating the liquid as in the British process above. The wood of the root yielded to Procter only 6.8 per cent. of extract, while the bark separated from the wood yielded 33 per cent. As the wood is of difficult pulverization, the inference is obvious that, in powdering the roots, the ligneous portion may be rejected with advantage. (A. J. P., xiv, 270.) As a prolonged exposure of the infusion to the air is attended with the absorption of oxygen and the production of insoluble apothem, it is desirable that the evaporation should be conducted rapidly, or in a vacuum. There scarcely appears to be occasion, in the case of rhatany, for heating and filtering the infusion before evaporation as required by the U. S. P. VIII process as the only use of which is to get rid of albumen, and this is not among the recognized ingredients of the root.
Very inferior extracts of rhatany are often sold. Such is the South American extract, which has been occasionally imported. As the product obtained by decoction is greater than that afforded by the official plan, the temptation to substitute the former is not always resisted, although it has been shown to contain nearly 50 per cent. of insoluble matter. Some druggists prepare the extract with an alcoholic menstruum, with a view to the greater product, but the extract thus prepared has from 20 to 30 per cent. less of the active principle than the official.
Extract of krameria should have a reddish-brown color, a smooth shining fracture, and a very astringent taste, and should be almost entirely soluble in water. Its virtues may be considered as in proportion to its solubility. It is much used for all the purposes for which the astringent extracts are employed.
Dose, from five to twenty grains (0.32-1.3 Gm.).
Off. Prep.—Trochiscus Krameriae, Br.; Trochiscus Krameriae et Cocainae, Br.