Monsonia. Monsonia ovata, Monsonia burkeana.
Monsonia.—According to John Maberly (L. L., Feb., 1897; July, 1898), certain South African plants belonging to the family of Geraniaceae, having large fleshy roots, are valuable remedies in the treatment of both acute and chronic dysentery; such are especially Monsonia ovata Cav. and M. Burkeana Planch., also certain Pelargoniums. Under the name of t'Namie, the natives of Namaqualand are said to use the root of Pelargonium antidysentericum Kostel. Maberly believes that the Pelargoniums are especially valuable in ulceration of the stomach and upper portions of the intestinal tract, and the Monsonias when the disease is low down in the intestines. The dose of monsonia is given as half an ounce (15.5 Gm.). It is believed that the plants are not poisonous. Dose, of the saturated tincture, from one to two fluidrachms (3.75-7.5 mils) every three or four hours.