Ocimum. Ocimum basilicum. Basil, Sweet Basil.
Ocimum. Ocimum Basilicum L. Basil. Sweet Basil. Grand Basilic, Fr. Basilienkraut, G. (Fam. Labiatae.)—An annual, aromatic plant, a native of India and Persia, and cultivated in Europe and in this country in gardens. It yields by distillation from 0.02 to 0.04 per cent. of a yellowish, volatile oil. The French and German oil have a penetrating odor resembling estragon, the Reunion has a camphor-like odor, a higher specific gravity and is dextrogyrate. Basil has the ordinary properties of the aromatic plants, and is used as a condiment. The seeds are said by Ainslie to be used in India in gonorrhea.