Infusum Quassiae. Br. Infusion of Quassia.
Related entries: Quassia
Tisane de Quassie, Fr.; Quassiaaufguss, G.; Infusion de cuasia amarga, Sp.
"Quassia Wood, rasped, 10 grammes; Distilled Water, cold, 1000 millilitres. Infuse in a covered vessel for fifteen minutes; strain." Br.
Boiling water may be employed when it is desirable to obtain the preparation quickly, but cold water affords a clearer infusion. The fifteen minutes maceration directed in the British Pharmacopoeia, considering that cold water is used, appears to us to be too short for the exhaustion of the wood.
Dose, two fluidounces (60 mils), three or four times a day.