Oil of Turtle.

Oil of Turtle. Turtle Oil.—In South America an oil is prepared from the eggs of turtles, and in the Seychelle Islands and in Jamaica from the fat of the turtle itself. These oils are said to be of equal value with cod liver oil for strumous persons and others in whom the nutritive processes are defective. (See P. J., vol. xv, 573.) C. E. Sage examined turtle oil as sold in London drug auctions and found the sp. gr. 0.919 at 25° C. (77° F.). The oil was yellow and semi-solid, having an odor of beef-drippings. (C. D., 1906, 691.) It is stated that 50,000 gallons are sent to Para yearly from the Orinoco, the Amazon, and the Rio Negro, and that 60,000 gallons are consumed by the tribes who prepare the oil. The Seychelles Islands are said to produce 6000 gallons of oil yearly.

The Dispensatory of the United States of America, 1918, was edited by Joseph P. Remington, Horatio C. Wood and others.