Table 13. Geranium maculatum.
Fig. 1. Represents the lower portion of the plant.
2. The upper portion, cut asunder at the asterick; a similar part belonged in the specimen figured, to each of the cut stems.
3. The calix, stamens, and pistil, as they appear when the petals have fallen.
4. A petal separated.
5. The germ, pistil, and stamens, as they appear in the full blown flower.
6. The column of capsules and persistent style. When the fruit is mature, each capsule spontaneously separates from the others, and by the elasticity of the columnar supporting part, scatters the seeds.
This image is from W. Barton's Vegetable Materia Medica, 1817 (Vol. I), 1818 (Vol. II), Geranium.