Photo: Anthriscus cerefolium 3.
Closeup of flowers and seeds. Annala, Helsinki, Finland. Planted. 2000-09-20.
Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm.
Engl.: chervil, cow parsley, french parsley, garden chervil.
Deu.: Gartenkerbel, Kerbelkraut.
Suom.: maustekirveli, kirveli.
Sven.: körvel, dansk körvel, körvelkäx, trädgårdskörvel.
Fran.: cerfeuil.
Bot. syn.: Anthriscus longirostris Bertol., Cerefolium anthriscus (L.) Beck, Cerefolium cerefolium (L.) Sch. & Thell., Cerefolium cerefolium Britt., Chaerefolium cerefolium (L.) Sch. et Thell., Chaerophyllum sativum Lam., Scandix cerefolium L.