Photo: Cirsium vulgare 0.
Closeup of flowers. Noxious weed, edible if you get rid of the spines. You think I like spiny plants? I think this one is elegant. Liljendal, Finland. Wild. 1995-07-01.
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.
Engl.: bull thistle, spear thistle, common thistle, Fuller's thistle, lance-leafed thistle.
Deu.: Gewöhnliche Kratzdistel, Lanzett-Kratzdistel.
Suom.: piikkiohdake.
Sven.: vägtistel.
Fran.: chardon vulgaire, chardon, chardon anglais, chardon lancéolé, cirse, cirse lancéolé, cirse vulgaire, gros chardon, pépiques, pet-d'âne, piquants, piqueux, piqueux chardon.
Bot. syn.: Cirsium lanceolatum (L.) Scop.