Giardia: Artemisia annua / 1995
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 23:04:24 GMT
Sender: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants discussion list <HERB.TREARN.BITNET>
From: Christopher Hedley <christopher.GN.APC.ORG>
Subject: re old herbals
Sweet Annie is Artemesia annua. this has the general properties of the genus- look up any wormwood/sagebrush, with the addition of a specific anti-malerial action. An extract of the herb is being tried in China and Africa, with good success. I have started to use a tincture, too soon to say about maleria but definatly works on Giardia. A weed of waste places in the east and midwest. Artemesias are difficult to seperate out and expert help may be needed to be sure of identification.