- Capsule herb quality.
- Diaper rash.
- Foot fungus cream.
- Herb dosage.
- Male infertility.
- Marshmallow tincture.
- Slippery elm bark.
- American Saffron.
- Baby rash.
- Bad bruise.
- Cilantro and heavy metal detox myth.
- Cold and hot liver, western style.
- Cutaneous blastomycoses.
- Essiac.
- Jojoba oil.
- Matching tinctures to people: tongue drops.
- Michael Moore's constitutional intake form.
- Mullein and rotenone.
- New England aster.
- Peach leaf.
- Perimenopause anxiety.
- Potato arthritis.
- Psoriasis and nightshades.
- Strep B in pregnancy.
- SWSBM nostalgia.
- Tonsillitis.
- Alteratives.
- Anxiety, panic attacks.
- Arnica, Mexican arnica.
- Baby acne.
- Bladder spasm.
- Bleeding after childbirth.
- Bottom balm.
- Burdock: processing seeds, uses.
- Colitis.
- Foot injury.
- Gum/periodontal infection.
- Herbal detox - parasites, colon cleanses, etc.
- Hormone help.
- Iodine and the thyroid.
- Kava research paper.
- Long-running fever.
- Lyme.
- Mulberry.
- Myth: Echinacea and liver toxicity.
- Opiate addiction.
- Propolis, and Cocoa Buzz recipe.
- Sow thistle and appetite.
- Tobacco addiction.
- Vinca.
April 2003
May 2003
June 2003
July 2003
August 2003
September 2003
October 2003
November 2003
December 2003