List of Special Contributors.
Prof. Roberts Bartholow, M. D., LL. D. (Professor of Materia Medica, General Therapeutics and Hygiene, in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia). The Physiological Effects and Therapeutical Uses of Hydrastis, 156; Physiological Action of Aconitum uncinatum, 226; Physiological Action of Aconitum Fischeri, 229.
Prof. Virgil Coblentz, M. A., Ph. G. (Professor of Materia Medica, Cincinnati College of Pharmacy). Composition of Berberine, 106; Berberine Phosphate, 124; Chemistry of the Root of Aconitum uncinatum, 225; Examination of Cimicifugin for the Detection of a Crystalline Substance, 269.
Prof. Asa Gray. Permission to use figures from Gray's Genera.
Prof. E. M. Hale, M. D. (Emeritus Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, in the Chicago Homoeopathic College). Homoeopathic Uses of Clematis virginiana, 15; Anemone nemorosa, 24; Anemone patens, var. Nuttalliana, 32; Anemone Hepatica, 51; Ranunculus bulbosus, 72; Hydrastis canadensis, 16x; Cimicifuga racemosa, 278.
W. B. Hallowell, M. D. (House Physician, Randall's Island Hospital, New York). Clinical Investigation of Aconitum uncinatum, 225.
Prof. J. A. Jeancon, M D. (Professor of Physiology, Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati). The Physiological Action and Therapeutical Uses of Berberine, 207.
Prof. John King, M. D. (Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati). Eclectic Uses of Hydrastis canadensis, 170; Cimicifuga racemosa, 285.
Mr. J. A. Knapp, Artist. Delineator of all the plates, and most of the figures of this volume.
Prof. P. W. Langdon, M. D. (Professor of Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy, Miami Medical College, Cincinnati). Action of Hydrastine Hydrochlorate on the Genito-Urinary Mucous Membranes, 180.
Prof. P. B. Power, Ph. G., Ph. D. (Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin). Combustion of Berberine, 106; Microcrystals of Berberine, 107; Perfected Figures of Hydrastine Crystals, figs. 40, 41, 42; Action of Reagents on Hydrastine, 134; Analysis of Aconitum Fischeri, 227.
Prof. A. B. Prescott (Director of the Chemical Laboratory, and Professor of Organic Chemistry, and of Pharmacy, University of Michigan.) Investigation of Hydrastis for Hale's Third Alkaloid, 142.
Dr. Charles Rice, Ph. D. (Chairman of the Committee of Revision and Publication of the Pharmacopoeia of the United States; Member of the German Oriental Society; Member of the American Chemical Society; Chemist of the Department of Public Charities and Correction, New Pork City). Information on various subjects connected with etymological research and definitions. Doctrine of Signatures, 48; Meaning of term Restringent, So; Application of the word Tisavoyanne, 188; Derivation of the word Aconitum, 215; Definition of the word Almagestum, 247.
Prof. Eric E. Sattler, M. D. (Demonstrator of Anatomy and Clinical Lecturer on Diseases of the Nervous System, Miami Medical College, Cincinnati). The Medical History and Physiological Action of Cimicifuga racemosa, 273.
Prof. Robert Sattler, M. D. (Assistant to the Chair of Ophthalmology, Lecturer on Otology, Miami Medical College, Cincinnati). The Physiological Effects and Therapeutic Uses of Berberine and Hydrastine in Ophthalmic and Aural Practice, 171.
Prof. J. M. Scudder, M. D. (Professor of Materia Medica, Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati). The Uses of Hydrastis canadensis in the Eclectic School of Medicine, 169.
Prof. John V. Shoemaker, M. D. (Lecturer on Dermatology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia). Hydrastis and Hydrastine Hydrochlorate in Diseases of the Skin, 17.7.
Mrs. Louisa Reed Stowell, W. S., P. R. M. S. (Assistant in Microscopical Botany, and in charge of the Microscopical Laboratory, University of Michigan). Microscopic Descriptions and Micro-drawings of Clematis virginiana, 8, Plate II.; Hydrastis canadensis, 85, Plates X., XL; Coptis trifolia, 198, Plate XV., figs. 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62; Cross sections of Actaea alba, and Actaea alba, var. rubra, 235; Cimicifuga racemosa, 258, Plate XXIV., figs. 95, 96, 97, 98; Xanthorrhiza apiifolia, 295.
Prof. Robert R. Warder (Professor of Chemistry in Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana.) The Alleged "Crystallizable Neutral Principle of Cimicifuga racemosa," 264.
Drugs and Medicines of North America, 1884-1887, was written by John Uri Lloyd and Curtis G. Lloyd.