Oil of Peppermint as a Local Anaesthetic.
Dr. A. Wright writes to the editor of the Lancet, (Nov. 19, 1870,) that, "a few years ago, I became acquainted with the fact of the natives, [Chinese,] when suffering with facial neuralgia, using oil of peppermint, which they lightly apply to the seat of pain with a camelhair pencil. Since then, in my own practice, I, in the same way, frequently employ oil of peppermint as a local anaesthetic, not only in neuralgia, but also in gout, with remarkably good results; indeed, the relief from pain I have found to be almost instantaneous."
It is worthy of note that some Chinese pharmaceutists in San Francisco and New York have been selling a remedy for neuralgia which has gained some repute. It is a liquid, put up in very small vials, holding about half a drachm each, which are sold at an exorbitant price. The liquid has a strong smell of peppermint, and is, in all probability, the oil of that plant.—The Medical News and Library, Jan., 1871.