Editorial Department.

PURCHASE OF HONORARY (?) DEGREES.—The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, of May 18th, publishes, under the above caption, a correspondence between two gentlemen in Boston and a person by the name of A. J. Hale, M. D., who, during the latter half of last year, has been perambulating the streets of Philadelphia, and our neighboring city of Camden, and in January last had made the city of Newark, N. J., his home. The correspondence is decidedly rich, and proves that this Dr. A. J. Hale is a very enterprising genius, so that we consider it our editorial duty to give publicity to his beneficent labors, without charging him for the advertisement or the editorial "puff." Our readers will perhaps remember that in 1867 (see Am. Journ. Ph. 1867, p. 473) we ventilated a little the Collegiate Agency of one G. W. Marriott, D.D., M.A, M.D. This Doctor Hale has followed in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor; in fact, he appears to rather outshine this lesser light. He is obliging enough to promise satiating the hungry ones with "the honors of all the universities in the United States, such as the degree of A.M., A.B., M.D., S.D.D., D.D., LL.D., &c." It is true that, as it appears from the correspondence, the degree of M.D. is procurable only from the American University here; but "this is a regular made out Latin degree the same as issued to regular graduates; name in full and date wished will be required." This Latin degree is all right; for, "yes, sir, the university with which I am connected is a reality; a regularly chartered medical institution, now in successful operation, all right and legal."

All this is very fine and exceedingly satisfactory, and it must be confessed that the terms are not unjustly exacting; the applicant may be "accommodated for the lowest price ($50), sent by express, C. O. D." Moreover, a commission of twenty per cent. ($10) will be allowed on each order from your friends, so that little exertion will be required to obtain such a legal all-right Latin degree for nothing, and make something handsome besides.

This same Doctor A. J. Hale likewise "removes cancers and other tumors without the use of knife or caustic," and "imparts information for a reasonable sum."

In view of the benefit conferred upon mankind by such a Collegiate Agency for such a University, it cannot be otherwise but reflecting infinite credit upon the city and State blessed with such institutions, and upon the Legislature which has chartered it and permits it to extend its blessings over other portions of our great country. Poor ignorant Europe should, without further delay, be supplied with agencies. Agencies would prosper in the icy fields of Alaska, and in the sunny clime of the Hottentots. It is with the desire of extending this "business" that we give the above information, and disclaim all expectations of gratitude from any of the parties interested.

The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. XLIII, 1871, was edited by William Procter, Jr. (Issues 1-4) and John M. Maisch (Issues 5-12).