Pharmaceutical Preparations of the Mexican Pharmacopoeia. Part 4.
Related entries: M. Ph. Materia Medica: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8 -
Related entries: M. Ph. Pharmaceutical preparations part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4.
Other tomes: King's ( - King's (preparations)
Tinturas, Tincturae. Among the tinctures which are rarely employed here, the following may be mentioned, which are made in the proportion of 1:5:
Menstruum 80 per cent. alcohol; the tinctures of euphorbium. and of all balsams, turpentines, gum resins and resins; also the tinctures of cloves, Winter's bark, fruit of Myroxylon, mace, nutmeg and contrayerva.
Menstruum 60 per cent. alcohol; the tinctures of arnica leaves, sabadilla, Artemisia mexicana, Hydrocotyle asiatica, cahinca, Aristolochia fragrantissima, Arris root, Cissus tiliacea, mustard and other seeds.
Tinture de raíz de Jalapa compuesta, Tinctura de radice jalapae composita.—Jalap 40, turpeth root 5, Aleppo scammony 40, alcohol (60 per cent.) 480; macerate for 10 days and filter.
Triaca, Theriaca.—Powder the following substances: Gentian 40, ginger 20, valerian 20, anise 20, cardamom 20, pepper 10, cinnamon 20, myrrh 10, saffron 10, opium 10, ferrous sulphate 10, mix these powders with moderately warm honey 720 and add Sherry wine 40. Contains approximately 1 per cent. of opium.
Uncion fuerte, Unguentum cum Cantharidibus.—Marshmallow ointment 200, nervine ointment 100, powdered cantharides 25, pepper 25, euphorbium 12; mix. As a vesicant in veterinary practice.
Ungüento amarillo (basilicon), Unguentum pallidum s. basilicum, Yellow Campeachy wax 500, mutton suet 500, colophony 1,000., sesame oil 800.
Ungüento bruno, Unguentum fuseum.—Mercuric oxide 20, burnt alum 10, basilicon ointment 150. Used as a detergent and for phagedenic chancres.
Ungüento contra escabia, Pomatum ad scabiem ex Alderete.—White wax 120, turpentine 250, lard 1,000, carbonate of lead 380, lemon juice 250, mercuric chloride 15, burnt alum 15, yelk of egg 6.
Ungüento de Altea, Unguentum Althaeae.—Yellow Campeachy wax 500, colophony 500, oleoinfusion of fenugreek 900.
Ungüento de Agripa, Unguentum ex Agripa.—Take of squill, dry, 125, and the following drugs in the fresh state: leaves of Sambucus mexicana 500, root of Bryonia variegata, 250 and root of Iris germanica 250, add sesame oil 2,000, boil gently until all the moisture has been expelled, express, strain, add for every 500 gm. of liquid 125 gm. of white wax and melt together.
Ungüento de Artánita compuesto, Unguentum Arthanitae compositum.—Melt together white wax 150 and lard 2,500, add the following in fine powder: scammony 30, jalap 30, colocynth 30, aloes 30, sodium chloride 15, euphorbium 15, myrrh 15, pepper 15, ginger 15 and chamomile 15; agitate the mixture continually while cooling. Radix Arthanitae is the tuber of Cyclamen europaeum, which is not used in the foregoing formula, nor in that published by Hager in "Phar. Praxis I," 934; it was, however, formerly used in such an ointment, for a formula of which see "Jourdan, Pharmacopée univ." (1828) I, 445.
Ungüento de Isis, Unguentum cum Acetate cuprico.—Yellow Campeachy wax 750, colophony 1,000, turpentine 250, lard 1,000, finely powdered verdigris and burnt alum, of each 80.
Ungüento de Mercurio doble, Unguentum Hydrargyri.—Melt together white wax 60 and lard 400; of this mix 100 parts with sweet gum (liquidambar) 40, and triturate with mercury 500, until completely extinguished; then incorporate with the remainder of the fatty mixture.
Ungüento de Osorio, Unguentum ex Osorio.—Suet 500, lard 1,000, strained sweet gum 120, oil of lavender 25.
Ungüento de todos Sebos, Unguentum Seborum.—Mutton suet 125, lead plaster 15, lard 500.
Ungüento del Corazon, Unguentum cordiale.—Finely powdered red saunders 30, compound rose powder 12, camphor 4, lard 500.
Ungüento de la Condesa, Unguentum Comtissae.—Melt in a suitable vessel lard 600 gm., add 30 gm. each of finely powdered nutgalls, cypress cones, pomegranate bark and arrayan leaves and stir continually while cooling.
Ungüento encarnativo, Unguentum cum Oxydo plumbico rubro.—Red lead 60, lard 500.
Ungüento nervino, Unguentum nervinum.—Fresh rosemary and laurel leaves, each 250, lard 875, suet 386; digest until the leaves have become crisp, add yellow wax 98, express, strain and mix with oil of bricks (rapeseed or olive oil distilled from broken bricks), oil of rosemary and oil of juniper, each 15.
Ungüento santo, Unguentum cum Oxydo zincico et Subacetate cuprico.—Prepared tutty 30, verdigris 8, lard 500.
Vino cordial, Vinum cordiale.—Tincture of cinnamon 10, red wine 90.
Vino de Catecú, Vinum cum Catechu.—Tincture of catechu 80, Sherry wine 1,000.
Vino de Escila, Vinum scilliticum.—Squill 30, sugar 15, alcohol (60 per cent.) 30, Sherry wine 470; macerate for 10 days, express and filter.
The wines of rhubarb and of the root and seeds of colchicum are made in the same manner.
Vino de extracto de Quina y Fosfato férrico-citro-amoniacal del Dr. Hidalgo Carpio, Vinum cum extracto Cinchonae et Phosphate ferrico-citro-ammoniaco ex Hidalgo Carpio.—Citro-ammonio-ferric phosphate 8, extract of gray cinchona 2, Sherry wine 600.
Vino de Quina Calisaya, Vinum. de Cortice Cinchonae Calisayae.—Calisaya bark 30, alcohol (60 per cent.) 60; macerate for 24 hours, add sugar 30 and Sherry wine 940, and after 10 days maceration express and filter.
In the same manner, but doubling the proportion of the drugs, are prepared the wines of red and gray cinchona, colombo, quassia, gentian, Artemisia mexicana, coca and jaborandi.
Vino de Yoloxochitl, Vinum de floribus Magnoliae mexicanae.—Tincture of magnolia flowers 100, Sherry wine 900.
Vino de Zarzaparrilla, Vinum cum extracto Smilacis medicae—Alcoholic extract of sarsaparilla 120, alcohol (60 per cent.) 60, Sherry wine 700, clarified honey 120.
Vino ferruginoso, Vinum martiatum.—Ammonio-ferric citrate 5, sugar 30, Sherry wine 1,000.
We have given in several numbers of the JOURNAL under the title of this paper all the formulas of the Mexican Pharmacopoeia, which appear to us to be unique; in addition to these a large number have been admitted which are identical with those of the present or former French Codex.
The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 57, 1885, was edited by John M. Maisch.