Abstracts from the French Journals.

Botanical name: 


LAMIUM ALBUM is thought by Dr. Florain, (Bull. Gén. de Thérap., June 15,) to be fully equal to the urticeae as a haemostatic. He claims great success with a preparation composed of the tincture, 100 gm., simple syrup 50 gm., and water 25 gm. Dose, a tablespoonful every half hour until the hemorrhage ceases; then, the same dose every few hours. Dr. Florain believes he has separated the active principle of the plant in the form of an alkaloid which he names lamine. His method of finding it was to treat 500 gm. of the stems gathered at the time of flowering, with hydrochloric acid and boiling water for half an hour. The liquor was treated with milk of lime and the precipitate extracted with boiling 80 per cent. alcohol. This was filtered and distilled to a syrupy consistence, when it gave, with sulphuric acid, a somewhat abundant white precipitate. This dissolved in boiling water gave, on cooling, long crystals "similar to those of sulphate of quinine." This substance dissolves in boiling water, is less soluble in alcohol, and has a neutral reaction. The alkaloid was given hypodermically, both as a sulphate and a hydrochlorate in somewhat high doses without toxic effects. The hemostatic effect of the alkaloid was promptly obtained. The writer hopes that analogous researches will be made with Urtica dioica and Urtica urens.

(Why would anybody want to equate white deadnettle (Lamium album, Lamiaceae) with stinging nettle (Urtica dioica, Urticaceae)? The only thing they have in common is the shape of the leaf and the common name... and King's is doing it, too! My brain hurts. -Henriette)

The American Journal of Pharmacy, Vol. 59, 1887, was edited by John M. Maisch.