National Association Bulletin for April.

Encouraging reports coming to hand from some of the section officers and the committees appointed by the Kansas City eclectics insure the success of our coming meeting, in so far as it is possible for success to come from their efforts alone. It is now a good time to realize that your committees and officers, alone, can not make a successful meeting, and that each individual eclectic owes it to himself, the cause, and to all concerned to be present.

The next meeting should be the best in attendance in the history of our organization, because matters of vital importance will come up for consideration, and for this one reason, alone, the meeting will be one of the most important in our history.

Never in the seventy-five years of eclecticism has the need of our system of practice been so accentuated, nor has the necessity for organized effort to meet the demands for more eclectic practitioners been so great. Never has the executive committee had to assume so much work, nor has there ever been so much undertaken and accomplished in the interest of liberal medicine.

This is true of our cause and likewise true of the cause from the homeopathic and physio-medical standpoint. The American Institute of Homeopathy meets at Kansas City, and through the president, R. S. Copeland, M. D., of Ann Arbor, Mich., Dr. Perce has been invited to attend their meeting and address the members on the subject of closer affiliation with them, in so far as our mutual interests are concerned.

We are pleased to say, parenthetically, that this is in keeping with the policy outlined a year ago, and the place of meeting was selected so that the mutual interest could be -discussed. The councils of Medical Education have worked jointly and harmoniously for the common good since our meeting at Los Angeles.

It is now only a short time until the meeting, and the officers and committees have much to accomplish before all is in readiness, and we have every reason to believe that our men will loyally support us with good attendance and hearty co-operation.

New and stronger state societies, new and stronger colleges, better and stronger organization, renewed interest and loyalty can but produce good results, and the National Association should be the general index of such.

A full list of the section officers was promised for this month, but on account of unavoidable delay it will appear in the May bulletin. Very fraternally,

WM. P. BEST, M. D.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.