Direct Practical Suggestions.

The following specific suggestions are those which guide us in the selection of each of the remedies named. In making exact diagnoses, if these indications are found, it makes no difference what the attendant circumstances are, the remedy can be depended upon to correct the indications.

This knowledge or a similar knowledge concerning the action of each drug is what we are aiming at and striving for, and any physician who can give us exact information of this kind, adds to the accumulating fund of knowledge, that which will stand, and be of service wherever we are to prescribe for disease. This exact knowledge will, in time, when fully confirmed, become permanent.

CHIONANTHUS.—Jaundice more or less pronounced; pain over the region of the gall bladder; pain in the epigastrium resembling that of colic; pain radiating from the navel over the abdomen; soreness in the region of the liver extending to the umbilicus; enlargement of the liver determined by percussion; nausea; occasional vomiting; usually constipation with dry feces of a gray color; temperature slightly above normal.

ELATERIUM.—Deep soreness in the region of the bladder; quick, cutting pains upon urination, with. the passage of mucus or mucopus; tenesmus; a sensation of dragging in the perineum and testicles. The dose should be small—from one-fourth of a drop to one drop every two hours.

COLLINSONIA.—A relaxed condition of the veins with deficient arterial tension; fulness of the capillary circulation of the rectum with tendency to varicosis; a sensation in the rectum of prickling or cutting as of the presence of a sharp body; a sensation of pain and contraction in the perineum, chronic pharyngitis resulting from abuse of the vocal organs; persistent tickling in the larynx.

LOBELIA.—Indicated in small doses, frequently repeated, when the pulse is full and oppressed or weak; when there is oppression in the chest with difficult respiration; when there is full capillary circulation of a dull red or purplish color of the skin, with a sensation of oppression in the precordial region.

Relief in the larger dose is obtained in angina pectoris where, the pain starts from the heart and radiates to the left shoulder and arm. From five to twenty drops may be given at a dose and repeated soon.

In the extreme respiratory oppression of spasmodic asthma, from twenty to thirty minims may be given at a single dose, sometimes resulting in immediate relief.

GELSEMIUM.—A nerve sedative of pronounced influence, usually, however, given in too small doses. Its first indications are those of flushed face, with increased heat of the head; restlessness and wakefulness; eyes bright; pupils contracted; headache more or less diffused. Usually these symptoms occur with rising temperature and dry skin. It is also indicated where there is spasm of the sphincters or where there is tenesmus. It gives immediate relief in urethral spasm and in the tenesmus of dysentery.

It is a reliable remedy in the first stage of la grippe or in severe forms of coryza if given in from three to six drop doses every half hour or hour. It is of much benefit in reducing high tension, in irritability of the renal organs. In full doses it will relieve lumbago, and tic douloureux.

PLANTAGO.—Inflammatory infection of the skin accompanied with burning pain or severe itching are relieved by this remedy. Disease of the gastrointestinal tract, involving more or less the mucous membranes and accompanied with colicy pain.

OPIUM OR MORPHIN.—This remedy has its specific indications the same as others.. To obtain the best results the skin must be soft and moist, the pulse should be soft, the tongue moist and clean and the temperature not greatly above normal, and falling.

It is contraindicated when the secretions are deficient, skin dry and hot, mouth dry and parched, tongue heavily coated and temperature high or rising and nervous system irritable and excitable.

TURPENTINE.—First indication: The tongue is dry, red or creased; the mucous membranes are dry—the skin is dry—in fact, there is suppression of all secretions; there is tenderness on pressure over the abdomen with tympanites. Deficient secretion is the marked indication here.

Second indication: Excessive secretion —the mucous membranes are greatly relaxed and enfeebled; there are excessive discharges from these membranes; there is general relaxation and atonicity.

Third indication: There is dryness of the bronchial tubes; irritation and inclination to cough with each respiration; short, sharp, hacking cough with soreness in the chest; persistent, dry, hacking cough from deficient bronchial secretion.

In these cases, from two to four drops on a square of loaf sugar dissolved in the mouth and slowly swallowed with the saliva every two hours is sometimes of most striking benefit.

Fourth indication: A steady, dull, grinding pain across the abdomen usually accompanied with a sensation of hardness; constipation; high colored, scanty urine. These symptoms resemble those of lead colic, in which the remedy is of much benefit.

This agent increases the tone and capillary circulation of all muscular structures of the intestines, destroys germs and parasites and inhibits putrifaction and decomposition. In the gastric disorders of infants it prevents the formation of lactic and butyric acids; in those patients susceptible to cold in the chest and who anticipate pneumonia, this remedy is advised. In pulmonary irritation it will act as a positive preventive.

GERANIUM.—In diarrhea with relaxed and feeble mucous membranes, in the absence of inflammatory action in gastric disorders, accompanied with persistent acid eructations, especially if ulcers be present, this agent is indicated. Recently used in hypertrophic cyrrhosis with the above symptoms, with remarkable success.

SANTONIN.—Intestinal irritation from whatever cause; reflex irritation depending upon the presence of intestinal. irritants, which exhibits the following symptoms: Quick, colicky pains; disturbed sleep; night terrors; picking of the nose; white circles around the mouth and urinary irritation. Is of value in increasing the flow of the bile and in stimulating the action of the kidneys in suppressed urination.

HYDRASTIS.—A tonic of remarkable powers in its influence over all organic functions. Indicated where there is general relaxation with atonicity of the gastrointestinal tract. Restores tone to organs made up of involuntary muscular fibers, and greatly increases the tonicity and contractility of such muscular structures. Serviceable in dilated heart and in uterine subinvolution.

IGNATIA.—Dull pain in the epigastrium; pulling and dragging sensation on the stomach; pain in the liver extending to the right shoulder accompanied with general weakness. Is thought to act the best on blonde females.

CAPSELLA.—Exercises a restraining influence on passive discharges, especially those of a chronic character; valuable in atonic menorrhagia, especially where the flow is present but nearly colorless; is of value also in atonic indigestion and where the urine is heavy, dark colored and loaded with urates and phosphates.

VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM.—A remedy for habitual abortion, or where pain occurs during pregnancy at the time when the menstrual epoch should appear. Also valuable for severe after-pains and in dysmenorrhea. In habitual miscarriage it should be given previous before the anticipated time, and in full, large doses, if necessary frequently repeated.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.