The True Action of Caulophyllum (Blue Cohosh)

Ten drops of the tincture caulophyllum once an hour in a little water is one of our best remedies for hiccough. In chorea of young girls from irregular periods it is the remedy, and it should be given in the third decimal trituration—two grains once in three hours. In young girls, when the menses do not appear and they are restless, have headache, cold hands and feet, and are cross and irritable, the blue cohosh is the remedy in the form of leontin (Lloyd), fifteen drops in a little water once in three hours. It has never failed me in such cases.

For the prevention of premature labor there is no remedy that can compare with caulophyllum. In such cases it is best to use the first decimal dilution of the tincture as it is more agreeable to the patient—five drops once in two hours.

In delayed labor with rigid os and spasmodic pains, the patient worn out with fatigue, give ten drops of the tincture caulophyllum once in a half hour.

It is better adapted to chronic rheumatism than cimicifuga, the latter being better for the acute form. In dysmenorrhea (rheumatic) or when the pains are irregular and spasmodic like labor pains, and the sufferer screams aloud with the severe pain, and in hemorrhage after confinement with pain from back to pubes, caulophyllum is indicated. In such cases ten drops of the tincture caulophyllum should be given every half hour. It will "cause firm contractions and arrest the flooding."

In after pains it is a reliable remedy and should be given the first decimal dilution, a teaspoonful in a cup of water, teaspoonful given every half hour.

In rheumatism of the wrist and fingers it is the best remedy that we have, especially where the pains are worse at night.

It is a remedy that should be studied carefully, and if given when indicated is a remedy to be depended upon.

Eclectic Med. Journal.

Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.