To Introduce Fluid Foods when the Throat is Obstructed.
It is not an uncommon thing to meet with cases in which from local reasons, such as greatly enlarged tonsils, or a violently swollen tongue, or in conditions of unconsciousness, where medicine in the form of liquids, or liquid food cannot be introduced into the stomach.
This difficulty can be overcome and the patient can be fed readily by introducing a soft rubber catheter into the nostril and from a very small funnel introduced into the opening of the catheter, to pour warm liquid nutriment slowly into the funnel. It might be necessary to introduce medicines in this manner.
With the feeding of very small and feeble infants the liquid may be introduced into the nostril, warm, with the medicine dropper, with very good results.
In the use of castor oil with children, the taste is so objectionable as to prohibit its use in many cases. If the oil be poured freely over the abdomen warm, and a compress wrung out of hot water applied over this and covered with dry flannel the absorption is very rapid and highly satisfactory results follow. It is a good plan to keep the application hot for some time by the use of the rubber water bag.
Ellingwood's Therapeutist, Vol. 2, 1908, was edited by Finley Ellingwood M.D.