The Medical Flora of Kansas: Baptisia - Cypripedium.

Baptisia alba. White indigo. B. australis. Blue indigo. B. leucophaea. Cream-colored indigo. These plants like the B. tinctoria are all medicinal and may be used for the same purposes.

Bidens bipinnata; B. connata; B. frondosa. Spanish needles. These plants are described and their medical properties given in our works on Materia Medica.

Brunella (Prunella) vulgaris. Self-heal. Plant. This is a new remedy, and said to be remedial in all cases of hemorrhoids.

Cassia chamaecrista (Chamaecrista fasciculata). Prairie senna. C. marilandica. American senna. Leaves. May be substituted for the Alexandrian senna. They are mild, but as efficient in their action as cathartics. The C. chamaecrista is said to be in every way a better remedy than the C. marilandica, and is very common.

Ceanothus Americanus. Jersey tea. The bark of the root. Alterative and anti-periodic. It has a special influence upon the spleen, to which it is a stimulant, and relieves chronic enlargement of that organ.

Celastrus scandens. False bittersweet. Bark of the root and berries. A feeble alterative. The berries make with lard one of the finest golden salves I have ever used,—mild, unirritating and soothing.

Chenopodium anthelminticum (Chenopodium ambrosioides var. ambrosioides). Wormseed. Seeds, herb or oil. This agent is used principally as a vermifuge, but may be used in catarrh, dyspnea or difficult respiration.

Clematis Virginiana. Virgin's bower. There are several varieties. It influences the ganglionic system and secretions.

Convallaria multiflora (Polygonatum biflorum). Solomon's seal. Root. I give this name as the one which seems to be most generally accepted. But there is, to me, much confusion; for there seem to be no less than from four to six synonyms. It is medicinal, exerting a special action upon the venous circulation, and the fact that we have but few remedies whose influence is exerted specially upon the veins, is my excuse for calling attention to it.

Cornus circinata. Green osier. C. Florida. Dogwood. Bark of the root. These are agents considered to be tonic, antiseptic and stimulant. The latter also possesses some antiperiodic properties that might be made available.

Cypripedium pubescens. Lady's slipper. Root. This is rare, but it is one of the native medical plants.

Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association, Vol. X, 1882-83, edited by Alexander Wilder.