The Medical Flora of Kansas: Dioscorea - Gymnocladus.

Dioscorea villosa. Wild yam. Root. It grows abundantly in Linn and Anderson counties. It is a direct remedy for pain in the bowels, colic, bilious colic, etc.

Diospyros Virginiana. Persimmon. Bark and unripe fruit. A mild astringent.

Equisetum hyemale. Scouring rush. Plant. A "renal regulator unsurpassed." As a regulator of abnormal conditions of the functions of the kidneys, it has no superior. In inflammation of the kidneys, either acute or chronic, it is considered specific. In fevers it is said to be indispensable, as also in inflammation of the lungs. A fine remedy in diabetes mellitus.

Erechtites hieracifolius. Fireweed. See text-books.

Erigeron canadense. Canada fleabane. The oil of this agent is generally used for passive hemorrhages. It is said to be valuable in gonorrhea.

Eryngium aquaticum. Eryngo. Root. This agent has a direct influence upon mucous surfaces. For urethral irritation, I know of no remedy its superior. I have in many cases promptly relieved and cured gonorrhea with this agent, and for spermatorrhea I know of no better remedy. Its energy is directed also to irritated conditions of the respiratory organs.

Euonymus atropurpureus. Wahoo. Bark of the root. Tonic and antiperiodic.

Eupatorium aromaticum. E. purpureum; queen of the meadow root. E. perfoliatum; boneset; plant. E. ageratoides; white snake-root; root.

Fraxinus Americana or acuminata. White ash.

Galium aparine. Cleavers. Plant. Well known.

Gentiana alba. White gentian. This is one of our best tonics, and as it grows in low, damp places, seems to be what some have called G. ocholeuca, which grows in dry grounds. (No longer found in Kansas—MM)

Gentiana saponaria. Soapwort gentian. This is the G. catesboei of Jones and Scudder's Materia Medica, which see for properties. All the gentians are medicinal, and valuable tonics. (No longer found in Kansas—MM)

Geranium maculatum. Crane's-bill. Well known.

Geum Virginianum, White avens. Root. This is an energetic tonic and astringent in passive hemorrhages and profuse mucous secretion, resulting from relaxed, atonic mucous surfaces. It is a superior restorative tonic.

Gerardia. Foxglove, feverweed. There are several species, all of which are considered medicinal. They are thought to be sedative and diaphoretic.

Gillenia stipulata. Bowman's root. Bark of the root. This is emetic, cathartic, diaphoretic, expectorant and tonic. It is thought to be a substitute for ipecac, especially in its influence upon mucous membranes.

Grindelia squarrosa. Every one knows its uses and properties.

Gymnocladus canadensis. The Kentucky coffee-tree. The bean, or pulp of pod. It is said to direct its energies to the sympathetic nervous system, and is useful in some skin-diseases. The leaves are said to be cathartic, while some use the seeds for coffee.

Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association, Vol. X, 1882-83, edited by Alexander Wilder.