The Medical Flora of Kansas: Rhus - Scutellaria.
Rhus glabra. Sumach. Bark of root and berries. A valuable astringent and antiseptic.
Rhus toxicodendron (Toxicodendron pubescens). Poison oak or ivy. R. radicans (Toxicodendron rydbergii). dog-wood, poison sumach. Leaves. The properties of these plants are identical and well known.
Rhus aromatica. Sweet sumach. Bark of root. Recent publications set forth its properties and uses.
Rubus villosus (either Rubus allegheniensis [current Kansas native] or R. argutus [formerly found in Kansas]). High blackberry. R. trivilalis or R. canadensis, dewberry. R. strigosus (R. idaeus var. strigosus). Wild red raspberry. Root and leaves. All these are mildly astringent. (No longer found in Kansas—MM)
Rudbeckia laciniata. Thimble-weed. Herb and flowers. Diuretic and tonic, and said to be useful in diseases of the urinary organs, Bright's disease, atrophy of the kidneys, etc.
Rumex acetosella. Sheep-sorrel. Plant. Alterative. A great cancer-remedy.
Rumex crispus. Yellow dock. Root. Alterative, with a direct effect upon the mucous membranes of the larynx, and bronchial tubes.
Sabatia campestris. American centaury. Herb. It is tonic, and said to be an antiperiodic of merit. In debility and convalescence from fevers, it is a highly useful tonic.
Salix nigra. Black willow; and other species. Bark. Tonic, and when there is periodicity accompanied with rheumatic pain it is said to be antiperiodic. Antiseptic properties are also claimed for it.
Salvia Pitcheri (Salvia azurea var. grandiflora). Kansas or wild sage. Plant. In domestic practice it has the reputation of being an excellent remedy in the cure of fever and ague. It is tonic and as bitter as quinine.
Sambucus Canadensis (Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis). Elder. Bark and flowers. It is said to be alterative, stimulating the excretory organs to increased. action, and hence recommended in scrofula, syphilis, dropsy, etc.
Sanguinaria Canadensis. Blood-root, red puccoon. Root. Well known. A stimulant to mucous membranes, and tonic to the heart.
Sanicula marilandica. Sanicle. Root. Its influence seems to be directed to the nervous system, allaying irritation and giving tone in enfeebled conditions.
Sassafras officinale (Sassafras albidum) or Laurus sassafras. Sassafras. Bark of root.
Scrophularia Marilandica. Carpenter's square, figwort. Root and leaves. This is the ideal alterative; and it evidently has tonic properties.
My first acquaintance with this remedy was made when I was quite young. In the form of a poultice, it is one of the finest applications for all kinds of bruises, cuts, chronic sores, felons, white swellings, etc., that I have ever seen used; and this opinion is formed upon an experience of forty years. Internally, though a little slow, it is unsurpassed in its influence upon chronic skin troubles. In diseases of the reproductive organs of the female, chronic uterine congestion, ulcerated os uteri, leucorrhea, with the concomitant relaxation, uneasiness and debility or weariness, in such cases, it has, in my experience, been very satisfactory. Under its administration I have seen the cheeks grow rosy, the skin assume a clear and healthy hue, the eyes brighten, and a lively sprightliness take the place of sluggishness and despondency, as if the blood and nervous system had been touched by some stimulating nectar. This, from its use alone, without combination.
Scutellaria lateriflora. Skullcap. Herb in flower. Nervine, anti-spasmodic, and tonic to the nervous system. Its use in epilepsy, chorea, hysteria, and nervousness, having been followed by relief and lessened irritation, it is supposed to exert its special influence upon the cerebro-spinal centers. Other species possess similar properties.
Transactions of the National Eclectic Medical Association, Vol. X, 1882-83, edited by Alexander Wilder.