Rumex acetosella

Rumex acetosella

Rumex acetosella L.
Engl.: common sheep sorrel, sheep's sorrel, common sorrel, field sorrel, sheep sorrel, wild sorrel.
Deu.: Kleiner Sauerampfer.
Sven.: bergssyra.
Suom.: ahosuolaheinä.
Bot. syn.: Acetosella acetosella (L.) Small, Acetosella vulgaris (W. D. J. Koch) Fourr., Rumex tenuifolius (Wallr.) A. Löve.



Archives: Best of the Herbal Forums: 02.2003.

Photo: Rumex acetosella 0.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Rumex acetosella.

Flowering plants. Helsinki, Finland. Wild. 2001-07-19.

Photo: Rumex acetosella 3.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Rumex acetosella 3.

Flowerspikes. Tammisaari archipelago, Finland. Wild. 2006-06-17.

Photo: Rumex acetosella 2.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Rumex acetosella 2.

Flowerspikes. Tammisaari archipelago, Finland. Wild. 2006-06-17.

Photo: Rumex acetosella 1.

Botanical name: 
Photo: Rumex acetosella 1.

Flowering stand. Tammisaari archipelago, Finland. Wild. 2006-06-17.

Rumex L. Hierakka. Syra.

Vanhoja tekstejä: Flora Fennica. Suomen Kasvio, 1866.